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domingo, 10 de janeiro de 2016

Michael Dell's Must-Read Business Books Right Now Nine titles to help you harness our rapidly changing times and technology.

Michael Dell's
Must-Read Business Books Right Now
Nine titles to help you harness our rapidly changing times and technology.

Michael Dell's Must-Read Business Books Right Now Nine titles to help you harness our rapidly changing times and technology.

Michael Dell's
Must-Read Business Books Right Now
Nine titles to help you harness our rapidly changing times and technology.

Michael Dell's Must-Read Business Books Right Now Nine titles to help you harness our rapidly changing times and technology.

Michael Dell's
Must-Read Business Books Right Now
Nine titles to help you harness our rapidly changing times and technology.

39 photos of how Steve Jobs saved Apple from disaster and led it to rule the world

39 photos of how Steve Jobs saved Apple from disaster and led it to rule the world

Rivais, Microsoft e Red Hat fazem acordo para oferta de sistema operacional Linux na nuvem

Rivais, Microsoft e Red Hat fazem acordo para oferta de sistema operacional Linux na nuvem

Rivais de longa data na indústria de software, a Microsoft e Red Hat anunciaram nesta quarta-feira, 4, uma parceria por meio da qual a versão do sistema operacional Linux da fornecedora de software livre estará disponível para usuários do Windows Azure, plataforma de serviços na nuvem da Microsoft. Os termos financeiros do acordo não foram divulgados

Há muitos sensores na visão de futuro apresentada pela Intel

Há muitos sensores na visão de futuro apresentada pela Intel

Vinte demonstrações inéditas no Brasil contemplam inovações recentes da empresa em variados campos, como transporte, IoT e até soluções para o usuário final

9 Free Books for Learning Data Mining and Data Analysis

Gregory Piatetsky 

9 Free Books for Learning Data Mining and Data Analysis

Curso de IPv6 - Aula 1 - Revisão de IPv4

Curso de IPv6 - Aula 1 - Revisão de IPv4

sábado, 9 de janeiro de 2016

Seven Best Practices for Your Enterprise’s Journey to the Cloud

Stephen Orban
Global Head of Enterprise Strategy at Amazon Web Services

Seven Best Practices for Your Enterprise’s Journey to the Cloud

Cisco's CEO: The Internet of things is real (and confusing)

Rick Blaisdell
Chief Technology Officer at Motus, LLC; Cloud Computing Expert and Technology Advisor at RicksCloud

Cisco's CEO: The Internet of things is real (and confusing)

5 tips for working with data science interns

5 tips for working with data science interns 

Back in 2008, there were already more objects connected to the Internet than people

Bernard MarrBernard Marr é um LinkedIn Influencer
Best-Selling Author, Keynote Speaker and Leading Business and Data Expert
Back in 2008, there were already more objects connected to the Internet than people
 #IoT #BigData

Meg Whitman on Splitting Hewlett Packard and Starting a New Job

How to Present Data to People Who Are Scared of Numbers

by Bernard Marr   |   November 9, 2015 5:30 am

How to Present Data to People Who Are Scared of Numbers 

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