O Blog MulherTech.com.br é para mulheres que trabalham e amam tecnologia. Assuntos abordados neste Blog: Gestão de Projetos, Marketing Digital, Tecnologia da Informação, Ciência da Computação, Cloud Computing, Rede de Computadores Wireless, Rede TCP-IP (IPv4 e IPv6), Rede 5G, Linux, Windows Server, Windows 11, Data Science, Big Data, Inteligência Artificial, Linguagens de Programação Web, Frontend, Backend, etc.
sábado, 5 de agosto de 2023
MIXO.IO (cria Sites)
sexta-feira, 4 de agosto de 2023
How to Connect Python to MySQL Database
How to Connect Python to MySQL Database - Full Tutorial
Beginners Python Tutorial with MySQL Database Connection. You will learn how to create a graphical interface using Tkinter, create a database using MySQL WorkBench, and import libraries
Download Bar Code: https://www.dafont.com/search.php?q=CCode39
Channel Members can Download the Beginners Python Tutorial with MySQL Database Connection source code, and modify it for their own personal use. Plus one other source code per month. Total - 2 Source codes Per Month, only:
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/c/DJOamen/featured
Cursos do Cisco Network Academy
Relação dos Cursos online que estão dentro do site Cisco Network Academy #NetAcad
(ali dentro tem cursos #gratuitos e tem cursos pagos)
Curso Cisco de Inglês Técnico Profissional Nivel 2
Curso Cisco de Inglês Técnico Profissional Nivel 2 (gratuito) na Cisco Network Academy
CognosysAI Chat de Conversação
O CognosysAI é um aplicativo de Chat que utiliza a inteligência artificial para alimentar uma conversa.
GitHub do CognosysAI = https://github.com/FlowiseAI
Avatar Falante Online Talking Head
O site http://vidnoz.com #VIDNOZ cria um vídeo com Avatar Falante dando vida às suas fotografias, utilizando a #inteligênciaartificial. #AI #IA
Microsoft AI Líderes
Podcast de John Maeda on How Leaders Will Use AI to Unleash Creativity
The Microsoft VP of Design and AI on the promise and potential of AI
quinta-feira, 13 de julho de 2023
50 livros gratuitos de Python
sábado, 24 de junho de 2023
Cursos de CiberSegurança
Aqui abaixo o link de todos as 10 instituições
1 - https://academiadeforensedigital.com.br/ - AFD - Academia de Forense Digital
2 - https://www.fortinet.com/br/training/cybersecurity-professionals - Fortinet
3 - https://acaditi.com.br/materiais-gratuitos/ Acadi-TI - Academia Inovadora de TI
4 - https://www.fiap.com.br/2022/06/06/fiap-disponibilza-20-cursos-gratuitos-nas-areas-de-tecnologia-e-negocios/ -FIAP
5 -https://students-auth.skillsbuild.org/signup IBM
6 - Oracle - https://education.oracle.com/pt_BR/oracle-oci-certification/?source=:so:ch:or:awr::::Announcement&SC=:so:ch:or:awr::::Announcement&pcode
7 - https://skillsforall.com/pt/ Cisco
8 - https://www.escolavirtual.gov.br/curso/153 Enap
9 - https://www.ev.org.br/ Fundação Bradesco
10 - https://educacao-executiva.fgv.br/cursos/gratuitos Fundação Getulio Vargas
quinta-feira, 22 de junho de 2023
terça-feira, 23 de maio de 2023
Aqui estão 20 ferramentas de IA para se preparar para o futuro
Se você não está usando IA, está ficando para trás.
Aqui estão 20 ferramentas de IA para se preparar para o futuro.
terça-feira, 16 de maio de 2023
Foco no produto, não no Marketing
Concordo com o foco no produto. Se um produto é bom, muito bem feito, tem qualidade, e a utilidade do produto está claro para o consumidor, isso é o mais importante. O marketing vende fácil.
Sempre quando o consumidor não entende para o que o produto serve, qual é a utilidade do produto, o item vende pouco ou demora muito a vender, mesmo estando o item com um preço bom para o consumidor.
Focus on product, not marketing.
I agree with the focus on the product. If a product is good, very well made, has quality, and the usefulness of the product is clear to the consumer, that is the most important thing. Marketing sells easy.
Always when the consumer does not understand what the product is for, what is the use of the product, the item sells little or takes a long time to sell, even if the item is at a good price for the consumer.
sábado, 1 de abril de 2023
#AI and children
#AI and children
#AI is an artificial intelligence that nowadays works inside the cell phone, inside the car, inside robots.
#AI is an artificial intelligence that alone, when outside of objects, is extremely dangerous, children and teenagers cannot use it.
Young children and teenagers cannot use apps that have artificial intelligence, and the app was created for technical use.
#AI is an artificial intelligence, it’s not for kids to use, it’s not for teenagers to use, it’s for technicians on objects they’re building.
Safety standards and legislation have to be created, because children and adolescents cannot use artificial intelligence.
Children and teenagers always invent a way of wanting to take and use what they shouldn’t. These Open AI, Chat-GPT and similar apps are very dangerous for kids and teenagers.
Imagine if little kids and teens decided to stop using their own brains and use these #AI apps to create their school work? This is tremendously dangerous for minors.
These #AI apps were created is for adult technicians to use.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
Over the last few months I’ve read a lot of confusing texts with confusing information about artificial intelligence. And I noticed that several people wanted to know.
Artificial intelligence has been around for many years. Nowadays artificial intelligence is inside objects.
On my Motorola cell phone, it automatically detects that a phone call is spam, and automatically marks the phone call as spam. If I call the phone number that was marked as spam, I get a voice saying that the phone number does not exist. This is artificial intelligence.
In February/2016 I did a research on what the IoT (Internet of Things / Internet of Thoughts) is, today I update this information.
The IoT is an artificial intelligence that uses objects to connect within a computer network with user login and using the TCP-IP protocol version 4 and/or TCP-IP protocol version 6, via ethernet cable, via network wireless or via USB card with wireless.
The artificial intelligence that exists inside IoT objects can and does place a virus inside the computer network system. For this reason, Microsoft Windows Server network server administrators always keep an eye on what is in the hand of the user plugging into the computer network.
Examples of Iot objects with artificial intelligence: cell phones, video games, robots, arduino boards, smart-tv, usb cards with wireless, 3D printers, cars, virtual reality, VR glasses, metaverse, etc.
#artificialintelligence #virtualintelligence #artificialintelligence
#AI #IA #IoT #wireless #virtualreality #VR #oculusVR #VR
Research by Ana Mercedes Gauna (CRA-RJ: 03–03161)
Senior Systems Analyst | Technical Administration | CTO
MCSE Microsoft Windows Server + TCP/IP | MCDBA | CCNA2 R&S
Professional experience greater than 27 years (CLT)
Date: 03/30/2023 | Brazil | Rio de Janeiro — RJ