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segunda-feira, 11 de setembro de 2023

Programando no Windows 11

Recentemente eu li algumas pessoas dizendo que programação web somente funciona no Linux. Eu discordo.

Anos atrás eu usei o Windows 7, Windows 10, Debian, Linux MX, para programar HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, Java, Python, C, etc. Programar no Windows funciona já tem vários anos. Não precisa usar o dual boot. No Windows tem que instalar o Git Bash ou instalar o Git for Windows.

O instalado no Windows utiliza as mesmas portas que o servidor do Xamp, Wamp, Apache Netbeans, Apache Tomcat. Por isso o tem que estar desinstalado para você poder usar Python, PHP, Java, Wamp, Xamp, no Windows.

Agora eu estou utilizando o Windows 11 e programar web nele funciona com o Xamp, Wamp, Apache, etc. Não pode ter o IIS.Net instalado se quer usar o PHP, Java, Python, porque pode aparecer o erro de conflito nas portas do servidor. Eles usam as mesmas portas.

Anos atrás eu tinha um desktop com Windows e um desktop com Debian Linux, para programar web. Anos atrás eu tinha um notebook com Windows e um notebook com o Debian Linux, para programar web. Eu testava código no Windows, no Debian Linux e online dentro do provedor de hospedagem.

Anos atrás eu tinha um desktop com o Microsoft Windows Server e com Microsoft SQL Server instalado, usando aqui em casa, e eu testava todos os aplicativos de programação web dentro do Windows Server, e quase tudo funcionava. Quando algo não funcionava a causa era o IIS instalado.

O instalado no Windows utiliza as mesmas portas que o servidor do Xamp, Wamp, Apache Netbeans, Apache Tomcat. Por isso o tem que estar desinstalado no Windows.

sábado, 9 de setembro de 2023

APIs com erro 500 de servidor web

Eu nunca programei APIs. Eu estou estudando o código de APIs. Mas desde 2015 eu já configurei diversas APIs: do PagSeguro, do Google Developers, do Twitter Developers, do Facebook Developers, etc; anos atrás.

Sua API usa links e caminhos de pastas com barras ? Esse erro 500 pode ser endereço de link errado ou uma barra enviando para uma pasta que não existe criada dentro do seu computador (se usa o localhost) ou uma pasta que não está criada dentro do servidor web. Tem que conferir.

Em uma API todos os endereços de links tem que existir ativo funcionando.

Em uma API todos os caminhos de pasta usando barras, tem que existir no localhost ou dentro do servidor web

Se a API menciona um nome de arquivo, esse arquivo tem que existir dentro do caminho de pasta no localhost ou dentro do servidor web.

Se a API utiliza um endereço com chave alfabética, o servidor web da chave tem que ter validado e ativado a chave, para  o link que utiliza a chave poder funcionar.

APIs normalmente quem configura é o Dev backend, tem que saber configurar tudo do domínio do site online dentro do servidor web.

quinta-feira, 7 de setembro de 2023

10 Ferramentas de inteligência artificial

 10 mind-blowing AI Tools you shouldn't miss:

1. Writing Automation 2. Summarize YouTube video 3. LinkedIn Assistant: 4. AI Images and Logo Generator 5. Create Websites using AI 6. Edit Videos with AI 7. Best AI tool for Research & Academic 8. AI Tool for Audio 9. Free GPT-4 Alternative 10. Write better without AI detection

10 new AI websites you cannot miss in 2023:   

1. : Create Free AI Videos in 1 Minute

2. - AI Youtube summaries

3. - Create images with AI 

4. : Temporary Email Generator

5 : Royalty free photos website

6 - AI website builder  

7 - Text to Speech

8 : Find alternatives to apps or programs.

9. - Generate music with AI    

10. - AI therapy platform

AI Tools That Will Make Your Task Super Easy!

Tool: Task:
————— ——————
• Notion • Organize Anything
• Framer • Create Your Website
• ChatGPT • Solves Anything
• Roam Research • Organize Your Personal Knowledge
• Canva • Create Graphic Designs
• Adobe Firefly • Design anything
• Zoom • Host Virtual Meetings
• Calendly • Schedule Meetings
• Todoist • Manage To-Do Lists
• Loom • Record and Share Videos
• Copy AI • Write Effective Copy
• Perplexity AI • Research Anything with Accuracy
• Midjourney • Generate High-Quality Visuals
• Prezi • Create Engaging Presentations
• Stable Diffusion • High-Quality Image Generator

terça-feira, 5 de setembro de 2023

Google AI Courses

Google is offering free online courses with certification.

NO Payment Required!

Here are 9 FREE Google courses to become skilled in 2023

1. Google Cloud Computing Foundations

2. Data, ML, and AI in Google Cloud

3. Machine Learning Crash Course

4. Basics of Machine Learning

5. Data Science with Python

6. Google Project Management

7. Agile Project Management

8. Project Execution: Running the Project

9. Foundations of Project Management

𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐮𝐦 𝐉𝐨𝐛𝐬/Notes:

Follow @therjrajesh for more valuable content.❤️

Google Marketing Courses

Google is offering free online courses with certification.

NO Payment Required!

Here are 5 FREE Google courses to become skilled in 2023

1. Digital Marketing and E-commerce

2. Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate

3. Google IT Automation with Python Professional Certificate

4. IT Security Defense against the digital dark arts

5. Google Digital Marketing & E-commerce Professional Certificate

𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐮𝐦 𝐉𝐨𝐛𝐬/Notes:

Free icons

15 Best Websites for Free Icons 🚀👨‍💻👇

👨‍💻iconfinder .com
👨‍💻flaticon .com
👨‍💻findicons .com
👨‍💻iconarchive .com
👨‍💻graphicburger .com
👨‍💻premiumpixels .com
👨‍💻freebiesbug .com
👨‍💻icomoon .io
👨‍💻thesquid .ink
👨‍💻freepik .com
👨‍💻iconstore .co
👨‍💻icons8 .com
👨‍💻oxygenna .com
👨‍💻1001freedownloads .com
👨‍💻iconshock .com

Google AI Courses

9 FREE #GenerativeAI Courses from Google👇

1. Introduction to Generative AI

2. Introduction to #LLMs Large Language Models:

3. Introduction to Responsible AI

4. Introduction to Image Generation

5. Encoder-Decoder Architecture

6. Attention Mechanism

7. Transformer Models and BERT Model

8. Create Image Captioning Models

9. Introduction to Generative AI Studio

10. Create Image Captioning Models

𝐉𝐨𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐮𝐦 𝐉𝐨𝐛𝐬/Notes:

Microsoft Power Platform 2023

The 2023 release wave 2 release contains hundreds of new features across #PowerPlatform applications, including #PowerBI, #PowerApps, #PowerPages, #PowerAutomate, #PowerVirtualAgents, and more. See what is coming:

8 Free AI Tools

8 Amazing Free AI Tools You Need to Try in 2023:

1. Free LinkedIn tool:
2. Free Midjourney:
3. Free Blog writer:
4. Free Website creator:
5. Free editor:
6. Free coding assistant:
7. Create anything:
8. Free ChatGPT:

Aprenda JavaScript em 100 dias

Learn Javascript in 100 Days:

1-10th Day: Foundations

➔ Introduction
• What is JavaScript?
• History and Evolution

➔ Variables
• `var`
• `let`
• `const`

➔ Data Types
• String
• Number

➔ Projects:
• Simple Calculator
• Basic Form Validation

11-20th Day: Foundations (Continued)

➔ Data Types (Continued)
• Boolean
• null
• undefined

➔ Operators
• Arithmetic, Logical, Comparison

➔ Control Structures
• `if-else`
• `switch-case`

➔ Projects:
• To-Do List
• Simple Weather App (API-less)

21-30th Day: Foundations

➔ Control Structures (Continued)
• Loops (`for`, `while`, `do-while`)

➔ Functions
• Function Declarations
• Expressions
• Arrow Functions

➔ Projects:
• Simple Quiz Game
• Countdown Timer

31-40th Day: Intermediate Topics

➔ Functions (Continued)
• Parameters & Arguments
• Return Statement

➔ Objects
• Creating Objects
• Methods
• Properties

➔ Projects:
• Object-Oriented Calculator
• Basic Blog System

41-50th Day: Intermediate Topics (Continued)

➔ Objects (Continued)
• `this` Keyword

➔ Arrays
• Methods (`push`, `pop`, `shift`, etc.)
• Iterations (`forEach`, `map`, `filter`, etc.)

➔ Projects:
• Simple Shopping Cart
• Recipe Book

51-60th Day: Intermediate Topics

➔ DOM Manipulation
• Selecting Element
• Modifying Content
• Event Listeners

➔ Error Handling
• `try-catch`
• Throwing Errors

➔ Projects:
• Interactive Web Page (Portfolio)
• Basic Chat Application

61-70th Day: Deep Dive into Advanced JS

➔ ES6+ Features
• Destructuring
• Spread & Rest Operators

➔ Asynchronous JS
• Callbacks
• Promises

➔ Projects:
• Weather App using APIs
• Currency Converter

71-80th Day: Deep Dive into Advanced JS (Continued)

➔ Asynchronous JS (Continued)
• Async/Await
• Fetch API

➔ Functional Programming
• Concepts
• Higher-order Functions

➔ Projects:
• Mini Social Media Dashboard
• Real-Time Stock Market App

81-90th Day: Ecosystem & Environment

➔ Environment Setup
• Node.js

➔ Package Managers
• Understanding `package.json`
• NPM vs Yarn

➔ Projects:
• Node.js REST API
• Simple E-commerce Backend

91-100th Day: Modern Frameworks & Libraries

➔ React
• Components
• Hooks

➔ Vue
• Vue Components
• Directives

➔ Projects:
• Full-Stack To-Do App with React and Node.js
• Real-Time Chat Application using Vue and WebSockets

Further Learning (Optional):

• Web APIs
• Graphics (Canvas API, WebGL)
• Backend with Node.js (Express.js, Middlewares, Databases)
• Testing (Jest, Mocha & Chai)
• Build Tools (Webpack, Babel, ESLint)

Follow @mdjunaidap for more.

Python Cursos

Master Python for Free:

1. Google's Python Class

2. Microsoft's Python Class…

3. Udemy…

4. Coursera

5. Educative…