domingo, 17 de janeiro de 2016

10 Modern Statistical Concepts Discovered by Data Scientists

10 Modern Statistical Concepts Discovered by Data Scientists

Two new books in my Data Science and Big Data stack

Two new books in my Data Science and Big Data stack |

Link permanente da imagem incorporada

7 Steps for Learning #DataMining and #DataScience

7 Steps for Learning and :  

Link permanente da imagem incorporada


 CCleaner: miniatura da captura de tela   CCleaner: miniatura da captura de tela   CCleaner: miniatura da captura de tela

Os aplicativos PC (Windows) e smartphone (Android) têm o costume de gerar lixo em forma de arquivos, que são restos de desinstalações de aplicativos, ou arquivos temporários.
Essas acumulações de arquivos, muito raras são às vezes que são úteis, se chamam cache e ocupam um espaço valioso da memória interna do telefone. Podem ser apagadas manualmente, mas o procedimento é um tédio.
Ccleaner é para o Android, o que o CCleaner é para o Windows: é um limpador de arquivos e downloads que só ocupam espaço inutilmente. O aplicativo é fácil de usar e atraente. Possui uma ótima função para fechar aplicativos inativos e fazer tudo andar mais rápido.

CCleaner Android =

CCleaner Windows =

sábado, 16 de janeiro de 2016

Scoring Algorithm ranks Top 20 #BigData Experts

Scoring Algorithm ranks Top 20 Experts:

Link permanente da imagem incorporada

Top 5 graph visualisation tools

Top 5 graph visualisation tools |

The Tip of the Spear II: Connecting Big Data Project Management with Enterprise Data Strategy

The Tip of the Spear II: Connecting Big Data Project Management with Enterprise Data Strategy

Big Data Poses Challenges, Opportunities for Businesses

Big Data Poses Challenges, Opportunities for Businesses

New Year's Resolutions for the Security Minded

New Year's Resolutions for the Security Minded

2016 Cyber Threat Predictions to Use to Your Advantage

2016 Cyber Threat Predictions to Use to Your Advantage 

Relationships: Critical to the Security Posture of Your Organization

Relationships:  Critical to the Security Posture of Your Organization

Antivirus software could make your company more vulnerable

Antivirus software could make your company more vulnerable

"High Fidelity" - My CyberSecurity Holiday Top 5 List

"High Fidelity" - My CyberSecurity Holiday Top 5 List

Security Challenges of SDN and Cloud: The Critical Role of Visibility

Security Challenges of SDN and Cloud: The Critical Role of Visibility  

Building a matrix that measures people, process, and technology against security goals is a proven method for reducing risk in an organization

The Matrix Reloaded: Security Goals v. Operational Requirements
Building a matrix that measures people, process, and technology against security goals is a proven method for reducing risk in an organization. Here's how.

What cyber threats are in store for 2016 and beyond? Get predictions from our panel of security experts

McAfee compartilhou:

What cyber threats are in store for 2016 and beyond? Get predictions from our panel of security experts as they break down the last quarterly threats report from McAfee Labs. Register now for the webcast on 1/20: 

Carbonite Selects Kaspersky Vet to Head Up Global Sales

#Kaspersky Lab

Carbonite Selects Kaspersky 
Vet to Head Up Global Sales

Smart TVs podem se tornar grande alvo de hackers, alerta Symantec

#idgnow   #smarttv   #symantec   #security  

2016: o Ano da Nuvem (de novo)

2016: o Ano da Nuvem (de novo)

No ano de 2016, o mundo estará nas nuvens. 

Isso será tanto bom quanto ruim

8 artigos mais lidos em 2015 sobre virtualização e cloud computing

8 artigos mais lidos em 2015 sobre virtualização e cloud computing

Aproveite os dias de folga para reler artigos que o ajudarão a dimensionar melhor a jornada da sua empresa rumo à nuvem

Intel® Cloud Finder Intel® Cloud Finder - CLOUD PROVIDER SEARCH

#cloudcomputing    #intel   #servers    #sql   #azure   #linux  

Intel® Cloud Finder Intel® Cloud Finder - CLOUD PROVIDER SEARCH

HP Helion CloudSystem

HP Helion CloudSystem

#cloudcomputing   #hp   #servers

Microsoft Azure - Máquinas virtuais, gratuitas por um mês

#cloudcomputing     #microsoft   #azure   #sql   #servers   #visualstudio   #linux  

Microsoft Azure - Máquinas virtuais, gratuitas por um mês

Google Cloud Platform

#cloudcomputing   #google   #cloud  

Google Cloud Platform

AWS - Amazon Web Services

#cloudcomputing   #amazon   #servers  

AWS - Amazon Web Services

SoftLayer: a história e os diferenciais da nuvem da IBM

#cloudcomputing   #servers   #ibm   #softlayer  

SoftLayer: a história e os diferenciais da nuvem da IBM


terça-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2016

50 Predictions for the Internet of Things in 2016

Earlier this year I wrote a piece asking “Do you believe the hype?” It called out an unlikely source of hype: the McKinsey Global Institute. The predictions for IoT in the years to come are massive. Gartner believes IoT is a central tenet of top strategic technology trends in 2016. Major technology players are also taking Big Swings. Louis Columbus, writing for Forbes, gathered all the 2015 market forecasts and estimates here.
So what better way to end the year and look into the future than by asking the industry for their predictions for the IoT in 2016. We asked for predictions aimed at the industrial side of the IoT. What new technologies will appear? Which companies will succeed or fail? What platforms will take off? What security challenges will the industry face? Will enterprises finally realize the benefits of IoT? We heard from dozens of startups, big players and industry soothsayers. In no particular order, here are the Internet of Things Predictions for 2016.

segunda-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2016

Internet das Coisas: tudo o que pode ser conectado, será conectado

CompTIA-Brasil compartilhou:

Oito em cada dez executivos do setor de TI buscam entender as oportunidades de negócios com a IoT (Internet das Coisas), mostra pesquisa da CompTIA. “Tudo o que pode ser conectado, será conectado”, escreve Leonard Wadewitz, diretor da CompTIA, em artigo sobre o levantamento.

Leia na íntegra:

Internet das Coisas: tudo o que pode ser conectado, será conectado

Pesquisa da CompTIA revela que oito em cada dez executivos do setor de TI buscam entender as oportunidades de negócios com a Internet das Coisas

domingo, 10 de janeiro de 2016

5 Data Science Leaders Share their Predictions for 2016 and Beyond

5 Data Science Leaders Share their Predictions for 2016 and Beyond

State of Machine Intelligence 2.0 (and Autonomous Systems)

State of Machine Intelligence 2.0 (and Autonomous Systems)



What Librarians Can Teach Us About Managing Big Data - InFocusInFocus

What Librarians Can Teach Us About Managing Big Data - InFocusInFocus 

Cheat Sheet: Data Visualization with R

Cheat Sheet: Data Visualization with R 

6 sites para baixar livros gratuitamente e de forma legal

6 sites para baixar livros gratuitamente e de forma legal

Internet Of Everything (IoT)