domingo, 10 de janeiro de 2016

7 Tech Skills That Could Make Or Break Your Career

Bernard Marr
Best-Selling Author, Keynote Speaker and Leading Business and Data Expert
7 Tech Skills That Could Make Or Break Your Career

7 Tech Skills That Could Make Or Break Your Career

Bernard Marr
Best-Selling Author, Keynote Speaker and Leading Business and Data Expert
7 Tech Skills That Could Make Or Break Your Career

7 Tech Skills That Could Make Or Break Your Career

Bernard Marr
Best-Selling Author, Keynote Speaker and Leading Business and Data Expert
7 Tech Skills That Could Make Or Break Your Career

Steve Jobs | Artigo de Pedro Dória (Jornal O Globo)

Há um ano, hoje, morreu Steve Jobs. À época, escrevi dois textos para O Globo. Um, pessoal; outro sobre seu impacto.

"Steven Paul Jobs era um homem pacato. Budista, seguia desde muito jovem a linha zen. Era também um homem agressivo, capaz de demissões sumárias por motivos fúteis. Fez muita gente chorar por broncas duras. Foi um pai amoroso quase toda a vida mas se recusou a reconhecer a primeira filha em seus primeiros anos. Foi um homem ímpar, paradoxal, que marcou profundamente o mundo." linK:

"Que ninguém se engane: Steve Jobs está para nosso tempo como John Lennon esteve para os anos 60. Ele não é apenas o CEO que faz mais diferença para a empresa que dirige. Não é apenas o símbolo mais conhecido de um período de mudanças profundas na sociedade e na cultura movidas pela tecnologia. Steve Jobs está um passo adiante. Ele, mais do que ninguém, desenhou a forma como essas mudanças ocorrem." link:

The 15 best free SEO tools

The 15 best free SEO tools

We asked a set of SEO experts and search marketing professionals about their favorite SEO tools and came up with these 15 recommendations. And the price sure is right: They are all free.

Michael Dell's Must-Read Business Books Right Now Nine titles to help you harness our rapidly changing times and technology.

Michael Dell's
Must-Read Business Books Right Now
Nine titles to help you harness our rapidly changing times and technology.

Michael Dell's Must-Read Business Books Right Now Nine titles to help you harness our rapidly changing times and technology.

Michael Dell's
Must-Read Business Books Right Now
Nine titles to help you harness our rapidly changing times and technology.

Michael Dell's Must-Read Business Books Right Now Nine titles to help you harness our rapidly changing times and technology.

Michael Dell's
Must-Read Business Books Right Now
Nine titles to help you harness our rapidly changing times and technology.

39 photos of how Steve Jobs saved Apple from disaster and led it to rule the world

39 photos of how Steve Jobs saved Apple from disaster and led it to rule the world

Rivais, Microsoft e Red Hat fazem acordo para oferta de sistema operacional Linux na nuvem

Rivais, Microsoft e Red Hat fazem acordo para oferta de sistema operacional Linux na nuvem

Rivais de longa data na indústria de software, a Microsoft e Red Hat anunciaram nesta quarta-feira, 4, uma parceria por meio da qual a versão do sistema operacional Linux da fornecedora de software livre estará disponível para usuários do Windows Azure, plataforma de serviços na nuvem da Microsoft. Os termos financeiros do acordo não foram divulgados

Há muitos sensores na visão de futuro apresentada pela Intel

Há muitos sensores na visão de futuro apresentada pela Intel

Vinte demonstrações inéditas no Brasil contemplam inovações recentes da empresa em variados campos, como transporte, IoT e até soluções para o usuário final

9 Free Books for Learning Data Mining and Data Analysis

Gregory Piatetsky 

9 Free Books for Learning Data Mining and Data Analysis

Curso de IPv6 - Aula 1 - Revisão de IPv4

Curso de IPv6 - Aula 1 - Revisão de IPv4

sábado, 9 de janeiro de 2016

Seven Best Practices for Your Enterprise’s Journey to the Cloud

Stephen Orban
Global Head of Enterprise Strategy at Amazon Web Services

Seven Best Practices for Your Enterprise’s Journey to the Cloud

Cisco's CEO: The Internet of things is real (and confusing)

Rick Blaisdell
Chief Technology Officer at Motus, LLC; Cloud Computing Expert and Technology Advisor at RicksCloud

Cisco's CEO: The Internet of things is real (and confusing)

5 tips for working with data science interns

5 tips for working with data science interns 

Back in 2008, there were already more objects connected to the Internet than people

Bernard MarrBernard Marr é um LinkedIn Influencer
Best-Selling Author, Keynote Speaker and Leading Business and Data Expert
Back in 2008, there were already more objects connected to the Internet than people
 #IoT #BigData

Meg Whitman on Splitting Hewlett Packard and Starting a New Job

How to Present Data to People Who Are Scared of Numbers

by Bernard Marr   |   November 9, 2015 5:30 am

How to Present Data to People Who Are Scared of Numbers 

- See more at:

Data Analysis with Pandas

Data Analysis with Pandas:

What is Advanced Analytics, Data Science, Machine Learning—and What is their Value?

Kirk Borne ‏@KirkDBorne 

5 User-Centered Principles for Designing Data Visualizations | ThoughtWorks

Evan Sinar ‏@EvanSinar
5 User-Centered Principles for Designing Data Visualizations | ThoughtWorks   #dataviz  

4 Things Your Data Scientist Should Not Be Doing

4 Things Your Data Scientist Should Not Be Doing

  It’s the age of big data. Sets of data so vast, so overwhelming that traditional data processing applications aren’t able to handle them. In fact, according to...

IBM CEO: It is the 'dawn of a new era' where computers think and make decisions

IBM CEO: It is the 'dawn of a new era' where computers think and make decisions

Business Insider India

Are operating systems and applications your main cybersecurity focuses?

Are operating systems and applications your main cybersecurity focuses? 
You may need to add a few more to the list: 

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT): Challenges, Requirements and Benefits

Ahmed Banafa
Faculty | Author | Speaker | IoT Expert
The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT): Challenges, Requirements and Benefits

Implementación de IPv6: Dual Stack

CISCO CCNA compartilhou originalmente:

Implementación de IPv6: Dual Stack

Successful Analytics: Gain Business Insights by Managing Google Analytics

Ronald van Loon ‏@Ronald_vanLoon
Successful Analytics: Gain Business Insights by Managing Google Analytics |#Analytics #GoogleAnalytics #RT

Big Data, Smaller Risk

#bigdata     Big Data, Smaller Risk

Analytics is a Story: Think Like a Writer to Tell It

#bigdata   #analytics   #evansinar  
Analytics is a Story: Think Like a Writer to Tell It

2015: A Transformative Year for Big Data

2015: A Transformative Year for Big Data

My Brief Guide to Big Data and Predictive Analytics for non-experts

Ronald van Loon ‏@Ronald_vanLoon 
My Brief Guide to Big Data and Predictive Analytics for non-experts | #BigData#PredictiveA…  

UIT cria primeiro padrão oficial para Big Data

UIT cria primeiro padrão oficial para Big Data

Common Errors in Machine Learning due to Poor Statistics Knowledge

Common Errors in Machine Learning due to Poor Statistics Knowledge

  •    -  
  • Probably the worst error is thinking there is a correlation when that correlation is purely artificial. Take a data set with 100,000 variables, say with 10 observations. Compute all the (99,999 * 100,000) / 2 cross-correlations. You are almost guaranteed to find one above 0.999. This is best illustrated in may article How to Lie with P-values (also discussing how to handle and fix it.)


    This is being done on such a large scale, I think it is probably the main cause of fake news, and the impact is disastrous on people who take for granted what they read in the news or what they hear from the government. Some people are sent to jail based on evidence tainted with major statistical flaws. Government money is spent, propaganda is generated, wars are started, and laws are created based on false evidence. Sometimes the data scientist has no choice but to knowingly cook the numbers to keep her job. Usually, these “bad stats” end up being featured in beautiful but faulty visualizations: axes are truncated, charts are distorted, observations and variables are carefully chosen just to make a (wrong) point.

    Read the full article here

  • Announcing a New Free Primer on Web Analytics | Web Analytics Action Hero

    Announcing a New Free Primer on Web Analytics | Web Analytics Action Hero

    Announcing a New Free Primer on Web Analytics | Web Analytics Action Hero

    A Data-Backed Approach: The Top 100 Big Data Experts to Follow in 2016

    A Data-Backed Approach: The Top 100 Big Data Experts to Follow in 2016

    Elencamos 10 tendências para o uso de Big Data nas empresas

    Oracle Brasil compartilhou:
    Elencamos 10 tendências para o uso de Big Data nas empresas. Olha só: Via @computerworldbr

    How To Turn Any Big Data Project Into a Success (And Key Pitfalls To Avoid)

    How To Turn Any Big Data Project Into a Success (And Key Pitfalls To Avoid)

    Data Literacy For All – A Reading List

    Data Literacy For All – A Reading List

    Big Data: What is Python - An Easy Explanation For Absolutely Anyone

    Big Data: What is Python - An Easy Explanation For Absolutely Anyone

    What is R? R Explained in less than Two Minutes, to Absolutely Anyone

    What is R? R Explained in less than Two Minutes, to Absolutely Anyone

    What is R? R Explained in less than Two Minutes, to Absolutely Anyone

    What is R? R Explained in less than Two Minutes, to Absolutely Anyone

    What is R? R Explained in less than Two Minutes, to Absolutely Anyone

    What is R? R Explained in less than Two Minutes, to Absolutely Anyone

    quarta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2015


    • Sincronia ao planejar a mídia veiculada na internet junto com a mídia à ser veiculada em emissoras de televisão
    • Sincronia ao planejar a mídia veiculada dentro de redes sociais como o Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, etc
    • Planejamento da publicidade em micro-vídeos a serem veiculados em sites da internet arrumados junto com os textos publicados nos sites.
    • Elaboração de uma estratégia de compra de produtos, se baseando na tecnologia que sustenta a mídia.
    • Geolocalização tem que ser muito bem utilizado, para facilitar a comunicação entre fornecedores e consumidores.
    • Mudança de humor do consumidor (investir em bom atendimento)
    • Usar o passado como ferramenta no presente
    • Desgaste da Teoria do Posicionamento  (investir em novidades)
    • O crescimento da economia colaborativa
    • Internet das Coisas  (equipamentos wireless: smartphone wireless, televisor smart-tv wireless, telefone IP wireless, camera IP wireless, roteador wireless, notebook wireless, impressora wireless, etc)

    • Humanização do Branding (Midias Sociais x Marcas de Empresas)
    • Inbound Marketing (Marketing de Conteúdo de Empresas x Consumidores)
    • Links Patrocinados (Elaboração de Publicidade em Redes Sociais)
    • Veiculação de propagandas na internet, elaboradas em vídeos online
    • Email Marketing e para uso em posterior envio de cobranças bancárias (consumidores tem que ter a sua ficha cadastral completamente preenchida informando o nome completo, cpf, profissão, nome da empresa que trabalha, cnpj, endereço completo, email e telefones de contato, dentro do site da empresa)


    Por Ana Mercedes Gauna (14/11/2015)